196 CE - Caledonni Overrun A Large Part Of What Is Now England
by Iain MacAnTsaoir
During Hadrian's reign, the Caledonii, with help from the Brigantes launched an offensive. This forced the Romans to withdraw to the line established earlier by Agricola. Here they built Hadrians Wall on the line which stretched from Solway Firth to the mouth of the Tyne River. At a later time Antoninus Pius took the initiative and advanced his forces north, resecuring the lost area up to the Firth of Clyde. At that point the Romans built vallum Antonini (Wall of Antoninus). Around 40 years later, the northern tribes once again pressed south and and advanced to approximately what is now the southern border of Scotland. In 196 these tribes pressed again and overran a large swath of what is now England. They were only beaten back when Emperor Septimus Severus himself came to command the Roman forces. He, however, died shortly afterwards, afterwhich Roman power in Britain began to increasingly wane.
The Battle For Gaul, Julius Caesar, David R. Godine Pub, (c)1980, ISBN 0-87923-306-0
The Celtic Empire, Peter Berresford Ellis, Carolina Acedemic Press, (c)1994,ISBN 0-89089-457-4
The World of the Celts, Simon James, Thames and Hudson Ltd., (c)1993, ISBN 0-500-0567-8
The Celts, Gerhard Herm, St. Martin's Press, (c)1977, ISBN 312-1205-7
The Celts, Jean Markale, Inner Traditions Intl, (c)1978, ISBN 0-89281-413-6
The Celtic World, Amanda Green, Routledge, (c)1995, ISBN 0-415-05764-7
Encyclopedia Brittanica15th Edition, Vol. 2, ISBN 0-85229-591X
History of the World, J.M. Roberts,Oxford Press, 1993, ISBN 0-19-521043-3
prepared by Iain MacAnTsaoir
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'Clannada na Gadelica' is a registered trademark of the Clannada na Gadelica.
The following specific definitional phraseologies are Service Marked (SM) for the exclusive use of Clannada na Gadelica:
Gaelic Traditionalism, Gaelic Traditionalist, Diasporal Gaelic Traditionalism,
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A service mark is "any word, name, symbol, device, or any combination, used, or
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Since the early 1980s privately, and since 1993 publicly, Clannada na Gadelica,
and ONLY Clannada na Gadelica, have used this terminology, (and more terminology
which we are also Service Marking), as specific definitional phraseologies to
explicate and expound upon the Gaelic Cultural Traditions of the Gaelic
Hearthlands. Clannada na Gadelica have provided this original work and
original service exclusively, and can documentably prove we were are the originators of the modern re-employment in the Diaspora of this terminology. We specifically do NOT grant permission to use this terminology to any other entity or individuals.
I am Service Marking this work because Kathryn Price a.k.a Kathryn nic Dhana, and the Celtic
Reconstructionist identity thieves, and now other neo-pagans, as well as now a
Canadian on-line t-shirt company, have been poaching this terminology and trying
to crassly commercialize it.
Enough is enough. Clannada coined it and if it takes registering it as a
commercial service mark to protect it, then, so be it, and I'll take the
inevitable ass-whipping from the authentic Tradition Bearers in the Hearthlands
for it. When and if authentic cultural entities in the Hearthlands want to
assume the mark for themselves, I'll release it to them. Until then, this is the
Kathleen O'Brien Blair, Taoiseach
Clannada na Gadelica,
A Confederation of Gaelic Traditionalists in the Hearthlands and Diaspora
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