The Timeline of Celtic History |
10000-2000 BCE |
A long, long, long, way long time ago |
1200 BCE |
Proto-Celts in Europe |
1100 BCE |
Hallstatt Period begins |
600 BCE |
Celts move over Alps into Italy |
400 BCE |
Main Migration of Celts into Po Valley |
390 BCE |
Celts Sack Rome |
340 BCE |
Roman's prohibit single combat to settle conlict with Celts |
335 BCE |
Alexander the Great heads toward the Danube Valley |
298 BCE |
Third Samnite War |
285 BCE |
The Battle of Vadimonian Lake |
280 BCE |
Belgios enters Macedonia |
225 BCE |
Celts march on Rome |
125 BCE |
Romans Annex Gallia |
59 BCE |
Caesar Delivers Final defeat To Celtiberians |
58 BCE |
Caesar Pits Gaulish Celts Against Each Other |
55 BCE |
Caesar Launches Armed Reconnaissance Mission To Britain |
54 BCE |
Caesar Returns To Britain |
52 BCE |
Vercingetorix defeated by Romans |
Irish Flag
Scottish Flag
Manx Flag
Breton Flag
46 CE |
Romans Invade Britian |
61 CE |
Destruction of Mona,
Boudicca leads Revolt of the Iceni |
84 CE |
Calgacus unites the Celtic tribes |
196 CE |
Caledonni Overrun A Large Part Of What Is Now England |
277 CE |
The Expulsion of the Desi from Ireland
296 CE |
First mention of Picts in Roman literature |
367 CE |
Celtic and Germani Tribes attack Romano-British Provinces |
368 CE |
Pict, Scot and Saxon tribes attack Romans in London |
410 CE |
Honorius Thrusts Britain Back into Independence |
429 CE |
Palladius is sent to Ireland as their first Bishop
430 CE |
Estimated year of death of Niall of the Nine Hostages
432 CE |
Lóegaire, son of Naill, hosts Patrick
449 CE |
Vortigern Invites Saxons To Help Repel Attacks By Picts |
450 CE |
Estimated year of birth of Brigid of Kildare
498 CE |
Birth of the Scottish Dal Riada
500's CE |
British Refugees Emmigrate to Amorican Peninsula |
577 CE |
Death of King Aedh of Connacht
Waroch defeats Merovingians
622 CE |
Battle of Canbo, Uí Briúin Ai defeat Uí Fiachrach
664-666 CE |
Plague kills 1/3 of population of Ireland and Britian
680 CE |
Book of Durrow
795 CE |
Ireland invaded by the Norse
807 CE |
Book of Armagh
810 CE |
Book of Kells
824 CE |
Nomenoë Becomes Duke over all Brittany
843 CE |
Scots and Picts united under Kenneth MacAlpin
845 CE |
Nomenoë Victorious Over King Charles of France
851 CE |
Nomenoë Dies, Erispoë Takes Up Struggle Against Charles
890 CE |
Norse Defeated In Battle for Breton Territory
1014 CE |
Brian Boru wins Battle of Clontarf, Annals of Loch Cé begun
1018 CE |
Battle of Carham, Saxons defeated by Malcolm II of Scotland,
Annals of Loch Cé report a comet this year
1034 CE |
Malcolm II killed by grandson Duncan, who then rules Scotland
1040 CE |
MacBeth kills Duncan and becomes king of Scotland
1057 CE |
Malcolm III kills MacBeth and becomes king of Scotland
1066 CE |
Bretons Help William At Battle Of Hastings
1079 CE |
Kingdom of Sudreys, Godred Crovan
1093 CE |
Magnus Barfod exerts control over Isle of Man
1098 CE |
Civil War on Isle of Man
1102-1103 CE |
Mangus returns to the Isle of Man
1105-52 CE |
Olaf I The Dwarf is King of Isle of Man
1107 CE |
Union of Scotland falls apart with death of Edgar
1124 CE |
Scotland reunited under David, great expansion of borders
1131 CE |
Annals of the Four Masters record the Battle of Curlews
1139 CE |
St. Malachy's Complaint
1150 CE |
Lebor Gabha'la Erenn, Book of Leinster
1151 CE |
The Rape of Derbforgaill
1152 CE |
King David of Scotland threatens Isle of Man
Synod of Kells
1155 CE |
Adrian's Donation, the Bull Laudabiliter
1156 CE |
Godred and Somerled fight for Isle of Man
1164 CE |
Reginald Invades Isle of Man
1166 CE |
Muirchertach Mac Lochlainn loses the Ard Rí to Ruadrí Ua Conchobair
1167 CE |
Dairmait meets with Henry and Strongbow
1169 CE |
Robert Fitzstephen lands at Bannow
1170 CE |
Strongbow invades Ireland
1171 CE |
Dairmait Mac Murchada dies, Strongbow's Seige of Dublin, Henry II invades Ireland
1172 CE |
Synod at Cashel, Henry departs Ireland
1175 CE |
Treaty of Windsor
1177 CE |
Treaty of Windsor is abrogated
1185 CE |
Prince John of England travels to Ireland
1187 CE |
Reginald I becomes King of Isle of Man
1199 CE |
John becomes King of England and Ireland
1207 CE |
First time coinage struck in Ireland, incorporates the Irish Harp (cithara) in the design
1208 CE |
Olaf II imprisoned by Reginald, Isle of Man
1210 CE |
King John of Enlgand plunders Isle of Man,
and returns to Ireland
1213 CE |
Reginald, King of Isle of Man, swears homage to King John of England, and is rewarded
1214 CE |
Reginald I releases Olaf II
1218 CE |
Reginald I, swears fealty to Henry III of England
1219 CE |
Reginald I makes Isle of Man fief to Papal See
1224 CE |
Olaf II and Reginald I fight over Isle of Man
1226 CE |
The Manx invite Olaf II to become King
1228 CE |
Second Civil War
1235 |
Olaf III swears fealty to Henry III of England,
Connacht invaded by Richard de Burgo & Maurice Fitzgerald
1237 CE |
Harald II becomes King
1249 CE |
Reginald II becomes King
1250 CE |
Mangus attempts to become King
1253-65 CE |
Mangus returns to Man and rules as Magnus III of the Sudreys
1256 CE |
Mangus pays homage to Henry III of England
1263 CE |
Alexander III of Scotland fights for control of the Hebrides
1266 CE |
Scotland acquires Isle of Man in treaty with Norway
1267 CE |
Scotland puts down Manx rebellion
1275 CE |
Manx Rebel again against Scottish rule
1291 CE |
Lady Maria (Scandinavian) unsuccessfully bids to become Queen of Man
1293 CE |
Edward orders surrender of Isle of Man
1295 CE |
Auld Alliance between Scotland and France
1296 CE |
Scotland "annexed" by England, Stone of Destiny removed from Scotland
1297 CE |
William Wallace becomes an "outlaw"
1305 CE |
William Wallace is captured
1311 CE |
Edward II gives Isle of Man to Piers Gaveston
1312 CE |
Piers Gaveston loses his head, and the Isle of Man as well
1313 CE |
Robert the Bruce invades Isle of Man
1314 CE |
Battle of Bannockburn
1315 CE |
Edward Bruce becomes King of Ireland
1316 CE |
Richard de Mandeville plunders Isle of Man
1328 CE |
Scottish independence recognized in treaty with England
1329 CE |
Richard de Mandeville plunders Isle of Man, again
1333 CE |
Edward gives custody of Man to de Montecute
1484 CE |
Great Book of Lecan
1494 CE |
Poyning's Law enforced in Ireland
1532 CE |
Brittany bound to France by treaty
1537 CE |
Irish Supremacy Act asserts the English king's power over Irish churches
1603 CE |
Brehon Law is abolished by England
1632-6 CE |
Annals of the Four Masters compiled
1654 CE |
Sir James Ware publishes Antiquities
1690-1 CE |
Irish Jacobites defeated at Boyne and Aughrim
1699 CE |
Edward Lhuyd arrives in Ireland,
Act of Restriction of woolen exports, Ireland
1704 CE |
Irish Catholics restricted from holding public office or owning land
1707 CE |
Act of Union, Scotland
1719 CE |
Toleration Act passes for protestant dissentors
1720 CE |
Westminster Parliament gains legistlative power over Ireland with passing of Declaratory Act
1726 CE |
Filimor redesigned into the Filibeg by an English iron magnate
1731 CE |
Royal Dublin Society established
1740 CE |
Black Watch formed from independant military companies
1746 CE |
Bagpipes outlawed, Bonnie Prince Charlie defeated
1747 CE |
Dress Act passed
1772 CE |
Relief Act allows Catholics to lease bogland
1778 CE |
Relief Act gives Catholics right to enheritence and lease-hold
1782 CE |
Catholic colleges re-open, but must teach in English
1783 CE |
Dress Act repealed
1785 CE |
Irish Royal Academy (Humanities and Sciences) established
1789 CE |
Breton Autonomy Lost As A Result Of The French Revolution
1792 CE |
Relief Act allows Catholics to practice law
1795 CE |
Orange Order founded
1801 CE |
Act of Union
1823 CE |
Ordinance Survey, Royal Hiberninan Academy established
1829 CE |
Irish National School System
1845 CE |
The Great Hunger
1848 CE |
Royal Irish Academy of Music established
1882 CE |
James Joyce is born (d. 1902)
1916 CE |
Proclamation of The Republic
1919 CE |
Sinn Féin convenes Dáil Éireann
1920 CE |
Better Government of Ireland Act
1921 CE |
Establishment of Irish Free State
1930 CE |
The people of Ireland vote to adopt a constitution
1937 CE |
National Monuments Act
1948 CE |
Republic of Ireland Act
1950 CE |
Stone of Destiny (Coronation Stone) temporarily returned to Scotland
1996 CE |
Stone of Destiny permanently returned to Scotland
1998 CE |
President Clinton declares March to be Irish-American Heritage Month |
Special thanks to: Sorcha Nic an tSaoir bean Hamultun, Larry Chamberlin, D. Charles Bettis, Iain Mac an tSaoir, Pam MacDermot and Tara Scotach bean Mac an tSaoir