225 BCE
by Kathleen Ní Bhriain
The Roman senate discussed the division of the land they had taken from the Senones, and decided to spread it amongst the Roman plebians, which meant that the remaining Celts in the area would be forced to leave. The Celts decided that they didn't like this idea, and marched their way through Etruria towards Rome.
For some reason, the Romans thought that the Celts would attack in an area a good way off from the place the Celts were actually planning to attack. A Roman legion came upon the Celts and followed them as a messenger went off looking for reinforcements. The plan was to attack the Celts from three sides simultaneously. The Celts discovered they were being followed and changed course suddenly. The Celts then set up camp and made as if to prepare for battle the next day. Under cover of darkness most of the Celts snuck away to prepare an ambush, leaving behind a few companies to sing loudly and keep the fires lit, as if the entire army was still there. The next morning the Roman army discovered that most of the Celts were gone, and thought that the Celts were retreating. The Roman legion took off in hot pursuit and lost 6,000 men in the Celtic ambush.
The Celts then decided to make off with their booty and return to finish the battle later, but they walked right into an unplanned, two pronged attack by the remaining Roman armies. The Celts divided into two groups, placing the spoils of the previous battle between them, and each group faced one of the Roman armies. At first, the naked and chaotic fighting style of the Celts was effective, as it confused the Roman cavalry, but then the Roman foot soldiers realized that, "Tall men with shields too small to cover them offer an excellent target." [Herm]
40,000 Celts died and 10,000 were taken captive and led to Rome in chains.
The Celts, People Who Came Out of the Darkness, Gerhard Herm, St. Martin's Press, (c)1977, ISBN 312-1205-7
The Ancient Celts, Barry Cunliffe, Oxford University Press, 1997, ISBN 0-19-815010-5
prepared by Kathleen Ní Bhriain
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The following specific definitional phraseologies are Service Marked (SM) for the exclusive use of Clannada na Gadelica:
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Since the early 1980s privately, and since 1993 publicly, Clannada na Gadelica,
and ONLY Clannada na Gadelica, have used this terminology, (and more terminology
which we are also Service Marking), as specific definitional phraseologies to
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I am Service Marking this work because Kathryn Price a.k.a Kathryn nic Dhana, and the Celtic
Reconstructionist identity thieves, and now other neo-pagans, as well as now a
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Enough is enough. Clannada coined it and if it takes registering it as a
commercial service mark to protect it, then, so be it, and I'll take the
inevitable ass-whipping from the authentic Tradition Bearers in the Hearthlands
for it. When and if authentic cultural entities in the Hearthlands want to
assume the mark for themselves, I'll release it to them. Until then, this is the
Kathleen O'Brien Blair, Taoiseach
Clannada na Gadelica,
A Confederation of Gaelic Traditionalists in the Hearthlands and Diaspora
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